Thanks to a suggestion from a reader, we’ve rounded up eight local resources for deaf and hard of hearing Fort Worthians. Keep reading for American Sign Language (ASL) classes, interpretation services, and tools for parents and teachers.
Sign language interpretation classes
Tarrant County College offers one of only four associate degree programs in America that’s accredited by the Commission on Collegiate Interpreter Education. This can prepare you for a career as an interpreter, or just make things easier at home.
Hired Hands, Inc.
Request an interpreter, or check out the robust resource page for deaf adults or family members of deaf + hard of hearing residents.
Discover sign language course
TCU offers a six-week, instructor-moderated Ed2Go class for $115. It has four summer start dates — including Wednesday, May 15 if you’re ready to enroll now.
Texas Hands & Voices
This parent-led nonprofit provides unbiased support and advocacy to families with deaf + hard-of-hearing children. It also offers a Guide by Your Side program, designed specifically for parents who have just learned of their child’s hearing loss.
“Come To Gather” spells out “gather” in American Sign Language in this mural at 1116 Pennsylvania Ave.| Photo by @texasmindbodyandspirit
National Association of the Deaf
The organization provide various resources for learning American Sign Language, including an overview for parents.
Texas Deaf and Hard of Hearing
Visit this division of Texas Health and Human Services to find driver visor cards, locate communication services for one-time events, and sign up for Camp Sign, a week-long summer program for children who are deaf or hard of hearing between the ages of 8 and 17. Don’t miss the list of fiscal year 2024 state-approved deaf and hard of hearing contractors.
Deaf Action Center
The Dallas-based nonprofit offers both services and classes for the entirety of DFW.
Texas Association of Parents and Educators for the Deaf
The state organization provides scholarships to both students and teachers. The local office is located at 3001 Elsinor Dr.