Earlier this week, Urban Land Institute presented development scenarios for 200+ acres on the Eastside to City Council.
Currently owned by Frost Brothers, there are 75-100 usable acres to the west and north of Gateway Park and Beach Street. The rest of the property will require significant floodplain mitigation as part of the Central City Flood Project’s ongoing work.
The three proposals include mixed-density residential, sports facilities, and open space conservation options.
A residential development could include 1,000 multifamily units, 15,000 sqft of retail space, and 140,000 sqft of industrial space.
If the land were to be purchased by the city for sports tourism, it could include 20+ sporting fields, a field house, a championship arena + retail and hospitality space.
The area could also be left undeveloped for open space conservation.
Be the broker — what would you do with the property? Tell us.