The city’s general spending fund will go up by 4.3% in 2025. City Council approved the Fiscal Year 2025 budget earlier this week — and we’re here to turn a lot of numbers into a few short sentences.
Flat tax rate
The total operating budget is just under $2.79 billion — $190 million higher than last year — but will not include a property tax increase. The flat tax rate remain at $0.67 cents per $100 valuation. Last year, property taxes decreased by 4%, which was the largest reduction in decades.
Budget biggies
This year’s theme — “Focusing on Foundations” — reflects the city’s priorities for responsible growth, economic development, infrastructure, community safety, and community investment. Here are some of the highlights for the $1.057 billion general fund.
$690 million for Police and Fire departments
Increase from 2024: $155 million
The funds will add a new Meet and Confer contract and create an Emergency Medical Services division to absorb service from Medstar, using over half of the general fund for public safety.
$76.5 million for the Park and Recreation departments
Increase from 2024: $5.6 million
Mowing and litter removal, centralized community center customer service, enhanced youth programs + staffing the new Northwest Community Center and Meadowbrook Golf Course, which is set to reopen next year, are where this money is headed.
$107 million for the Transportation & Public Works Department
Increase from 2024: $9.3 million
Funds will address street repair programs, traffic engineering services, and high-priority capital flood mitigation.
$29 million for the Fort Worth Public Library
Increase from 2024: $1.5 million
The department’s budget compensates for the transition of the Fort Worth Public Art program management to the library.
$12 million for the City Attorney
Increase from 2024: $2.3 million
The dollars will allow the organizational restructuring of the Legislative Affairs committee under the City Attorney’s office.