Fort Worth’s first Urban Forestry Master Plan

Looking at livability and longevity in our city.


The Trinity duck pond wouldn’t be the same without the trees.

Photo by @ftwtoday

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The City of Fort Worth has teamed up with the Texas Trees Foundation (TTF) to create the first Fort Worth Urban Forest Master Plan. “What’s that?” you ask. We’re here to break it down.

It’s a tree thing 🌳

We like trees, right? The Urban Forestry program preserves existing trees and plants new ones to achieve the city’s goal of having 30% of Fort Worth covered with tree canopy. This includes all of the trees in town — on both public and private property.

A healthy tree canopy is good for the land, the residents, and our pocketbooks. Tree canopies:

  • Shade and shelter the land
  • Minimize soil erosion and stormwater runoff
  • Enhance the visual landscape
  • Create desirable living spaces
  • Filter pollutants
  • Shield us from harmful ultraviolet rays
  • Increase property values
  • Decrease cooling costs
  • Encourage people to visit businesses

Plans on plans ✍️

Ok, that sounds pretty good. So what’s this plan? The master plan — funded by $250,000 from TTF sponsorships and donations + $50,000 from the city — will protect, expand, and manage Fort Worth’s green infrastructure, helping make our city more resilient and sustainable.

The long-term plan will evaluate current resources and policies. This includes:

  • Identifying priority planting and preservation areas
  • Finding strategic investment partners
  • Creating a centralized vision for the urban forest

“The creation of a Fort Worth Urban Forestry Master Plan is providing the next steps in implementing the protection of our natural landscape that residents will enjoy for generations to come,” said Mayor Mattie Parker.

What’s next? 🗣

That’s up to you. The city is gathering community feedback to understand residents’ vision, values, and preferences. Take the survey by the end of February 2023 to share your input and preferences.

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